Post by EMS on Feb 1, 2011 13:33:46 GMT -5
This thread represents a fundamental change from previous taxonomic conclusions as well as my from work with OneEnglishNorman.
Since whites are either Upper Paleolithic or Mediterranean in type, the implication of an UP classification is very big: if let's say 30% of the Norwegians were UP types, then there would be a big number of them who would actually look closer to Alpines and other southern European UP types than to fellow Nordic Norwegians.
But is this really true?
I wondered about this myself and decided to research the topic and various alleged examples of “Upper Paleolithics”. What intend to show you with this thread is that true UPs are a rather small minority, a sort of remnant race, whose actual incidence has been grossly inflated largely by bad classifications. And as classifiers copy each other, this has resulted in that the number of UP types has been severely overestimated.
Let us begin with Carleton Coon and his Brünn Upper Paleolithic plate.
Here are figure 2 and 4 of interest.
Coon claims both to be predominantly Upper Paleolithic. Common sense dictates that 4 looks far more “normal” and closer to the average Scandinavian than 2. So if even he is predominantly UP then there is a good chance that a big number of Scandinavian are. But is this true? Let's compare him to 2 and to a Nordic.
In close comparison, Coon is shown to have made a mistake. Neither the morphology of the facial features, nor the nose, nor the forehead or even the overall form of the face are closer to the Upper Paleolithic than to the Nordic.
And here we begin to see the problem: if predominantly Nordic individuals are classified as predominantly UP, then even pure Nordics can come to be classified as UPs!
A similar conclusion can be made of this German Borreby example, he is actually closer to a Nordic than to a true Borreby.
But if readers take him for an example of Borreby and venture into classifications, then from such an erroneous starting point can many Nordics end up being classified as Borreby.
Equally strange are some of Coon's Alpine Examples. There are individuals among them who do not look Alpine at all, such as .
Why did Coon err so brutely? The answer is often to be found in the measurements: his “Alpines” often seem to be central European branchycephals, with similar measurements to real Alpines, made to be Alpines, by him. Coon's excessive reliance on metrics is at least partly to be accounted for his poor classifications.
In conclusion, Coon's Upper Paleolithic examples actually are:
a) True UP individuals
b) Blends but often with Mediterranean or Nordic predominance
c) Branchycranials of several kinds
Now let us turn to the SNPA website , which is often used as reference for classifications.
Among the Borreby examples we find these two:
Once again we are being presented as “Borreby” an individual who actually is morphologically closer to a Nordic (below he is compared to a metrically typically Nordic individual with similar facial features).
But it does not end there, most or all of their “Dalo-Falid” celebrity examples are actually predominantly Nordic.
Individuals such as Oliver Kahn, Arnold Schwarzenegger and other alleged Fälisch examples circulating the Internet are not actually true UP survivals (ie. purely or at least predominantly UP).
Even a lot of Guenther's examples of Fälisch are predominantly Nordic, yet the first is really an UP type, and he looks a lot like Coon's (real) Borreby.
What has happened is that people have assumed that for example Oliver Kahn was a pure non-Nordic UP type and thus have only classified lanky individuals with very narrow measurements as Nordic. Kahn, however, has morphologically little in common with a true UP survival. Bad classification and error propagation are the only reasons so many northern European individuals are classified as UPs, specially “Fälisch”, a type whose existence one must also question.
These imaginary Upper Paleolithics have made a mess out of online classifications and split northern Europeans along largely imaginary lines.
Nordics are the main type in Northern Europe. True Upper Paleolithics are but a minority group like Mediterraneans and others. There has been a tendency to only classify individuals conforming to certain standards as predominantly Nordic, while too many people have been erroneously classified as "Fälisch" or "Upper Paleolithic".
Since whites are either Upper Paleolithic or Mediterranean in type, the implication of an UP classification is very big: if let's say 30% of the Norwegians were UP types, then there would be a big number of them who would actually look closer to Alpines and other southern European UP types than to fellow Nordic Norwegians.
But is this really true?
I wondered about this myself and decided to research the topic and various alleged examples of “Upper Paleolithics”. What intend to show you with this thread is that true UPs are a rather small minority, a sort of remnant race, whose actual incidence has been grossly inflated largely by bad classifications. And as classifiers copy each other, this has resulted in that the number of UP types has been severely overestimated.
Let us begin with Carleton Coon and his Brünn Upper Paleolithic plate.
Here are figure 2 and 4 of interest.
Coon claims both to be predominantly Upper Paleolithic. Common sense dictates that 4 looks far more “normal” and closer to the average Scandinavian than 2. So if even he is predominantly UP then there is a good chance that a big number of Scandinavian are. But is this true? Let's compare him to 2 and to a Nordic.
In close comparison, Coon is shown to have made a mistake. Neither the morphology of the facial features, nor the nose, nor the forehead or even the overall form of the face are closer to the Upper Paleolithic than to the Nordic.
And here we begin to see the problem: if predominantly Nordic individuals are classified as predominantly UP, then even pure Nordics can come to be classified as UPs!
A similar conclusion can be made of this German Borreby example, he is actually closer to a Nordic than to a true Borreby.
But if readers take him for an example of Borreby and venture into classifications, then from such an erroneous starting point can many Nordics end up being classified as Borreby.
Equally strange are some of Coon's Alpine Examples. There are individuals among them who do not look Alpine at all, such as .
Why did Coon err so brutely? The answer is often to be found in the measurements: his “Alpines” often seem to be central European branchycephals, with similar measurements to real Alpines, made to be Alpines, by him. Coon's excessive reliance on metrics is at least partly to be accounted for his poor classifications.
In conclusion, Coon's Upper Paleolithic examples actually are:
a) True UP individuals
b) Blends but often with Mediterranean or Nordic predominance
c) Branchycranials of several kinds
Now let us turn to the SNPA website , which is often used as reference for classifications.
Among the Borreby examples we find these two:
Once again we are being presented as “Borreby” an individual who actually is morphologically closer to a Nordic (below he is compared to a metrically typically Nordic individual with similar facial features).
But it does not end there, most or all of their “Dalo-Falid” celebrity examples are actually predominantly Nordic.
Individuals such as Oliver Kahn, Arnold Schwarzenegger and other alleged Fälisch examples circulating the Internet are not actually true UP survivals (ie. purely or at least predominantly UP).
Even a lot of Guenther's examples of Fälisch are predominantly Nordic, yet the first is really an UP type, and he looks a lot like Coon's (real) Borreby.
What has happened is that people have assumed that for example Oliver Kahn was a pure non-Nordic UP type and thus have only classified lanky individuals with very narrow measurements as Nordic. Kahn, however, has morphologically little in common with a true UP survival. Bad classification and error propagation are the only reasons so many northern European individuals are classified as UPs, specially “Fälisch”, a type whose existence one must also question.
These imaginary Upper Paleolithics have made a mess out of online classifications and split northern Europeans along largely imaginary lines.
Nordics are the main type in Northern Europe. True Upper Paleolithics are but a minority group like Mediterraneans and others. There has been a tendency to only classify individuals conforming to certain standards as predominantly Nordic, while too many people have been erroneously classified as "Fälisch" or "Upper Paleolithic".